Circus Lake Demo site

Area description:

The demonstration case in Romania is located in the municipality of Bucharest, in the administrative territory of 2nd district. With an area of 138 ha, the area covers several dense urban perimeters, two large parks (Circus Park and Tei Park) and two lakes that are part of these parks.

Lake Tei is part of a system of linked lakes along the Colentina River that crosses Bucharest from north-west to east. With an area of 0.75 ha, Circului Lake is an element of green infrastructure with the main role of recreation, aligned with the natural processes of ecosystems, providing benefits for the comfort and health of the inhabitants. Due to its hydraulic connection with the shallow aquifer system, the lake replenishes the aquifer with rainwater captured from the park’s hydrographic basin.

Main issues:

Declining groundwater levels in this urban area and, consequently, the water level in Circus Lake as a consequence of several hydrological and hydraulic factors influencing the zonal water balance, namely: i) climate change evidenced by reduced precipitation; ii) drastic reduction of losses in the water distribution system; iii) temporary and permanent depletion systems (including undeclared depletions).



To develop an urban water balance (well-defined and as accurate as possible) for the Tei urban area, based on alternative water resources solutions (using green infrastructure).

To inform and train the local administration of Sector 2 Bucharest and other stakeholders working in this area about distinct alternative water resources solutions applied in strategic urban planning of cities.

Figure 1. General scheme of the Circus Lake – Tei area demonstration case


Expected impact:

Main stakeholders involved

Links with existing local/regional/national strategies or policies

Why is a rigorous urban water balance necessary?

Figure 2. Shallow (and inaccurate) hydrological analysis of the introduction of green infrastructure elements (left) compared to the real picture of the underground of cities (right).