Events organized

11-15 September, 2022, Groundwater Management for Adaptation to Climate Change Given the Interaction between Infrastructure and Groundwater

On 13 September 2022 at the IWA World Water Congress in Copenhagen – Denmark, CCIAS organized the session entitled Groundwater Management for Adaptation to Climate Change Given the Interaction between Infrastructure and Groundwater/ organized by  Radu Gogu, presentations from Stephen Foster, Ricardo Hirata, Jane Dottridge, Susie Mielby. (

Event program:

18-20 May 2022 session 4.i Interaction between Subsurface Urban Infrastructure and Groundwater – Ignore at Your Peril? – Groundwater, key to the sustainable development goals (IAH)

On 20 May 2022 at the IWA-IAH Conference – Groundwater, key to the sustainable development goals, held at the Sorbonne University, Paris – France, CCIAS organized the session entitled 4.i Interaction between Subsurface Urban Infrastructure and Groundwater – Ignore at Your Peril? Organized by Radu Gogu, presentations of by Jane Dottridge, Mario Schirmer și Constantin Radu Gogu (

Event program:

27-29 November 2019 – Current developments in urban groundwater management  – IWA Conference

During the 27-29 November CCIAS organized at Bucharest IWA Conference – Current developments in urban groundwater management. This event took place at the Technical University of Construction Bucharest. During the event, specialists in the field of geology, hydrogeology, urban hydrogeology were invited as keynote speakers, including: Stephen Foster (IWA), Julia Gathu (IWA), Mohammad Faiz Alam (IWA), Guri Vendvik (NGU), Susie Mielby (GEUS) and others.

13 – 17 March 2017 – UNDERGROUND URBAN ENVIRONMENT PLANNING AND MANAGEMENT WEEK – International Symposium, Bucharest

During the 13 – 17 March 2017, CCIAS organized at Bucharest UNDERGROUND URBAN ENVIRONMENT PLANNING AND MANAGEMENT WEEK – International Symposium. This event aimed to give a clear image of the urban underground management activity and the use of underground information in the urban planning process. The main purpose of this symposium was to make an important contribution to the process of interaction and relationship between experts who develop knowledge about the urban areas underground and urban planners as well as decision-makers involved in the urban planning process. During this symposium, 6 scientific seminars were organized, the central activity being represented by the final conference of the SUB-URBAN COST Action ( ), a European network of geological institutes, universities, cities and research institutes that develop together concepts on the underground cities management.

3-5 February 2016 – Urban hydrogeology Seminar Seminar – Geological Survey of Norway

During the 3-5 February 2016CCIAS organized together with the Geological Survey of Norway ( Urban Hydrogeology Seminar within the research project ’’Current trends and approaches în urban hydrogeology’’. This seminar was held at Geological Survey of Norway, Leiv Eirikssons, Trondheim, Norway.

Event program:

4-6 October 2016  – The 4th INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON URBAN HYDROGEOLOGY – ’’Framework for urban groundwater and shallow geothermal energy e-learning platform’’, Bucharest, Romania

During the 4-6 October 2016CCIAS organizedwithin the research project ’’Framework for urban groundwater and shallow geothermal energy e-learning platform’’ the 4th International Workshop on Urban Hydrogeology. This project was financed from the Fund of Bilateral Relations at the National Level – Call II, RO 01 Technical Assistance and the Bilateral Fund at the National Level and was carried out in the Colentina Laboratory Complex, Faculty of Hydrotechnics, Technical University of Civil Engineering Bucharest. During the event, 8 specialists from countries such as Slovenia, Macedonia, Italy, Scotland, Norway, Holland, in the field of geology, hydrogeology, urban hydrogeology, geothermal energy, urbanism and urban planning were invited as keynote speakers, to analyze and discuss the issue related to the urban hydrogeology environment, the management of the shallow geothermal resource as well as the efficient management of urban groundwater in order to define an e-learning platform for urban hydrogeology.

Event program:

13-15 May 2015 – The 3rd INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON URBAN HYDROGEOLOGY- ’’Curent trends and approaches in urban hydrogeology’’, Bucharest, Romania

During the 13-15 May 2015 CCIAS organized, within the research project ’’Current trends and approaches in urban hydrogeology’’, the IIIth INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON URBAN HYDROGEOLOGY. This project was financed within the call for projects related to the Bilateral National Fund – EEA and Norwegian Grants 2009-2014 and took place in the Radu Prișcu amphitheater, Faculty of Hydrotechnics, Technical University of Civil Engineering, Bucharest. During the event, 15 specialists from countries such as Romania, Toronto (Canada-USA), England, Denmark, Norway, Algeria, Czech Republic, Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland, in the field of geology, hydrogeology, urban hydrogeology and urban planning were invited as keynote speakers, to analyze and discuss issues related to the urban hydrogeology environment as well as the effective management of groundwater with the aim of creating a favorable framework both to the exchange of ideas, to favor the development of a groundwater management system for Romania cities as an integrated element of urban planning as well as to facilite development of partnership projects.

Event program:

17 January 2014 – The 2nd WORKSHOP ON URBAN HYDROGEOLOGY- Bucharest, Romania

CCIAS organized on January 17, 2014 the 2nd Urban Hydrogeology Workshop. This scientific event, developed within the framework of the research project “Sedimentary media modeling platform for groundwater management in urban areas (SIMPA)”, took place in the Radu Prișcu amphitheater, Faculty of Hydrotechnics, Technical University of Civil Engineering Bucharest.

Event program:

7 February 2013 – WORKSHOP Open Geodata Initiative – GEOIDEA, Bucharest, Romania

CCIAS organized, on February 7, 2013, the “Open Geodata Initiative” workshop as a result of the GEOIDEA project launch ( The event took place at the Hydrotechnical Faculty – Bucharest Technical University of Civil Engineering, Radu Prișcu Amphitheater.

The GEOIDEA project is a bilateral Switzerland-Romania scientific research project won by the Technical University of Civil Engineering Bucharest (UTCB) in partnership with the Polytechnic University of Zurich (ETH Zurich), the aim of the project being to improve the scientific basis for open geodata model adoption in Romania.

10-11 December 2012 – The first URBAN HYDROGEOLOGY WORKSHOP – “Progressess and challenges in urban hydrogeological modeling – support for effective groundwater management and protection”, Bucharesti, Romania

CCIAS organized during the 10 – 11 December 2012 the first International Urban Hydrogeology Workshop entitled Progressess and challenges in urban hydrogeological modeling – support for effective groundwater management and protection Centrul de Cercetare Ingineria Apelor Subterane a organizat în perioada 10-11 ianuarie. The event took place at the Hydrotechnical Faculty – Bucharest Technical University of Civil Engineering, Radu Prișcu Amphitheater.

Event program:

22 December 2011 – Web Mapping Services

CCIAS, Department of Hydraulics and Enviromental Protections, Technical University of Civil Engineering Bucharest organized the scientific seminary: Web Mapping Services.

The seminar was hosted by the Faculty of Hydrotechnics, Technical University of Civil Engineering Bucharest and was held on December 22, 2011 from 13:00 – Room II 7 (Radu Priscu Amphitheater).

11-12 October 2011 – TIMBRE – Tailored Improvement of Brownfield Regeneration in Europe

Groundwater Research Center, Department of Hydraulics and Enviromental Protections, Technical University of Civil Engineering Bucharest participated at organizing the Syimposium: TIMBRE – Tailored Improvement of Brownfield Regeneration in Europe.

The symposium was held on 11-12 October 2011 at Best Western Hotel Rusca, Hunedoara, Romania.

First day of the event included:

Next day, the participants visited ECO SID site. There were presented several TIMBRE technologies.

November 2011 – Protect water, the essence of life for all Earth species! National Information and Population Education Campaign regarding the Necessity of Protecting Water

CCIAS was envolved in organizing the dissemination seminary: “Protect water, the essence of life for all Earth species! National Information and Population Education Campaign regarding the Necessity of Protecting Water”.

The seminary took place in November 2011. It was hosted by the Faculty of Hydrotechnics, Technical University of Civil Engineering of Bucharest – II7 amphitheater (Radu Priscu).