On 28-29 February 2024 the Kick-off meeting for the AWARD project was held. During the two days the participants reflected on the common vision of the project partners, discussing the dimensions of alternative water resources in the context of AWARD. The AWARD vision was developed from the AWARD pillars, based on comments and ideas and previous exchanges with project partners.
Mapping and communicating with stakeholders; stakeholder engagement and understanding needs; the type and purpose of data needed and the organisation of demonstration sites were discussed during the World Café session.
The event included a poster session to present the demonstration cases in terms of key information (location, challenges & needs, stakeholders, values for AWARD, expectations from AWARD solutions) and exchanges with partners to start optimizing the creation of links between WP activities and DC stakeholders. An overview of the Circus Lake demonstration case, with UTCB as the lead, can be found here.
Next, to support networking activities, a session was held to present the different projects of interest in which AWARD partners are involved. Alternative water resources were analysed from European to local perspectives to highlight key challenges, interest and drivers for AWARD activities. The MARCLAIMED and RECREATE projects, funded by the European Union under the same call for proposals, completed the final picture.
More details here.
On 10 January 2024, the virtual AWARD project kick-off meeting was held with the 14 members of the consortium. The meeting was an opportunity to present all consortium members, their experience and expertise and the demonstration case studies. During the meeting, Prof. dr. eng. Radu Gogu, Director of CCIAS presented information about the Circus Lake demonstration case, Bucharest, Romania.