
- (2015) R.Gogu – Groundwater protection strategy using vulnerability mapping, Editura: Printech, Bucuresti, România, 110 pg.
- (2015) Gogu R.C, Bouchemacha M.A., Cruceru R.M, Serpescu I, Balanica – Ape subterane urbane – Aplicatii seminar, Editura: Printech, Bucuresti, România, 82 pg.
- (2014) Gogu R.C.,- Solutii viabile in hidrogeologia urbana – Editura Conspress, Bucuresti, Romania, 105 pag. ISBN: 978-973-100-332-0
- (2022) Raduțu A, Luca O, Gogu RC, Groundwater and Urban Planning Perspective, MDPI, Water, 14, 1627
- (2022) Foster S, Gogu R – Going Underground – How Development can Impact Groundwater Resources The Source, The Magazine of the International Water Association, October 2022
- (2022) Interaction between Subsurface Urban Infrastructure and Groundwater – Ignore at Your Risk ? Gogu CR, Foster S, Mielby S, Gaitanaru D , Moraru I, IWA World Water Congress; 11-15 September 2022, Copenhagen, Denmark
- (2022) Urban subsurface decisions – The need for better data Gogu, R.C, Foster, S, Mielby, S, Gaitanaru D., International Conference “Groundwater, key to the Sustainable Development Goals”. Paris, Sorbonne, May 18-20th, 2022
- (2022) Urban groundwater-balance impacting urban area infrastructure elements Moraru, I., Gaitanaru D., Gogu RC International Conference “Groundwater, key to the Sustainable Development Goals”. Paris, Sorbonne, May 18-20th, 2022
- (2020) Gogu RC, Găitănaru D, Modelul hidrogeologic al Municipiului București, o necesitate în proiectarea lucrărilor de infrastructură urbană, Edilitatea, 2, 48-56, ISSN 2734-4576
- (2020) Raduțu A, Venvik G, Ghibus T, Gogu RC, Sentinel-1 Data for Underground Processes Recognition in Bucharest City, Romania, Remote Sensing, MDPI, Remote Sensing 2020, 12(24)
- (2020) Walter Leal, Radu Gogu and others, Reviewing the Role of Ecosystems Services in the Sustainability of the Urban Environment: a multi-country analysis, Journal of Cleaner Production
- (2017) Gogu, RC; Gaitanaru, D; Boukhemacha, MA; Serpescu, I; Litescu, L; Zaharia, V; Moldovan, A; Mihailovici, M J; ,”Urban hydrogeology studies in Bucharest City, Romania”, Procedia Engineering, 209
- (2017) Gogu RC, Campbell DS, De Beer J. The Urban Subsurface – from Geoscience and Engineering to Spatial Planning and Management , Procedia Engineering 209 (2017), 1–3, Elsevier.
- (2017) Dragos Gaitanaru, Constantin Radu Gogu, Mohamed Amine Boukhemacha, Liviu Litescu, Valentin Zaharia, Alexandru Moldovan, Madalin J. Mihailovici (2017) – Bucharest city urban groundwater monitoring system, Procedia Engineering Volume 209, 2017
- (2015) Mohamed Amine Boukhemacha, Constantin Radu Gogu, Irina Serpescu, Dragos Gaitanaru, Ioan Bica – A hydrogeological conceptual approach to study urban groundwater flow in Bucharest city, Romania, Hydrogeology Journal, Volume 23, Issue 3, 437-450, Springer Berlin Heidelberg
- (2014) V. Velasco, I. Tubau, E. Vázquez-Suñè, R. Gogu, D. Gaitanaru, M. Alcaraz, A. Serrano-Juan, D. Fernàndez-Garcia, T. Garrido, J. Fraile, X. Sanchez-Vila – Gis-Based Hydrogeochemical Analysis Tools (Quimet), Computers & Geosciences
- (2012) Rahman, M A, Rusteberg B, Gogu C R, Lobo Ferreira J P, Sauter M., A New Spatial Multi-Criteria Decision Support Tool for Site Selection for Implementation of Managed Aquifer Recharge, Journal of Environmental management, Elsevier, v 99, pp 61–75
- (2011) R.Gogu, V. Velasco, E. Vasquez, D. Gaitanaru, Z. Chitu, I. Bica – Sedimentary media analysis platform for groundwater modeling in urban areas; Environmental Earth Sciences – Advances in the Research of Aquatic Environment, Vol 2, Springer